Walks in the Woods

Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Every evening after work I shut my computer off, put my phone away, and head out to the woods to take walks alone.

Well...not always alone. A bunch of horses and a donkey keep me company.

You cannot put a price on the health benefits of being outside in the all natural world. Away from the artificial glow of laptops and smart phones. Away from the materialistic, high-light reel of social media.
Physical health, mental health...nature can cure all.
It's energizing.

My favorite part of long walks in the woods is the mental health benefit.
Not only does it keep my legs fit but it keeps my mind clear & calm.
Being out in the stillness all alone gives you no choice but to talk to yourself.
Whether it's in your head, out loud, it doesn't matter.

If there's anything I learned in therapy, it's that your relationship with yourself is one of the greatest relationships you'll experience in this life. Nurture it. Be kind to yourself.

Don't listen to music. Listen to nothing but the wind, the birds, and your mind.
And if you bring your phone, make sure it's on airplane mode.

As you can tell mental health is very important to me -- these neurological diseases are no joke.
And the fact that over 50% of American adults suffer from some sort of mental health issue... it really needs to be talked about. I'm glad it's slowly coming out as a not-so-private subject.

I come from a family with a long line of poor mental health history and I plan on sharing a post soon on how I'm fighting that issue and breaking the cycle.
Stay tuned!

And cheers to a mentally-healthy week.


My mom is coming into town tomorrow and I am so excited to pick her up at the airport!!
We'll be heading down to Charleston again for a little mother/daughter getaway.
Can't wait to share that trip! She's just as wild as me so who knows what we'll get into down there.

And since it's Cinco De Mayo I can't leave without sharing an avocado based treat!
My go-to lunch every.single.day.

Avocado toast!
Have you heard of it? I hear it's pretty trendy lately ;)

All you do is mash half an avocado then scoop it onto a slice of toast.
I usually add lemon juice, garlic salt and pepper for taste
Keeps you full for hours!

Alright my friends, I'm off to the forest.


  1. I love this post. I need to nature it more often, somehow I've gotten a bit out of it and can so tell! Something to do with a 7 month winter... haha. Here's to summer!

  2. Oh man those NH Winters are cruel! I don't miss em' one bit lol but they do have some of the best Summers up there....and lobster rolls Lol


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